Private John T Kirby, 30150

  • Batt - 6
  • Unit - Leicestershire Regiment
  • Section -
  • Date of Birth -
  • Died - 28/05/1918
  • Age - 26

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Source: Michael Doyle Their Name Liveth For Evermore: The Great War Roll of Honour for Leicestershire and Rutland.
He was the son of Herbert and Sarah Kirby. The War Diary for today records. 2.45am. Battalion arrived at the junction of the CHALONS-LE-VERGEUR-HERMONVILLE-BOUVANCOURT ROAD. Battalion at first ordered to take up position along ridge running north of the BOUVANCOURT-HERMONVILLERS ROAD but subsequently ordered to march to VAUX-VARENNES arriving at 3.45am. 4.00am. Battalion marched to LUTHERNAY FARM on the PEVY-HERMONVILLE ROAD. On arrival there two Companies (C and D) were sent forward to a position on the ridge in front of ST. AUBOEUF FARM. Right flank was in touch with 64th Brigade but there were no troops on the left. 6.00am. Enemy attacking LUTHERNAY FARM from direction of VAUX-VARENNE. HQ., B and C Companies took up positions north to the PEVY-HERMONVILLE ROAD facing VAUX-VARENNES. 7.00am. D Company and 1 platoon of C Company formed a defensive flank from ST. AUBOEUF FARM to the PEVY-HERMONVILLE ROAD to protect left flank of the Brigade. 7.00am to 3.00pm. A long fire fight ensued which brought the enemy attack to a standstill roughly along the line of the PEVY-HERMONVILLE ROAD north west of CHATEAU HERVELON. 1.00pm. On both flanks the enemy seemed to be making progress. The Battalion was now mixed with troops from 25th Division and French troops. 2.30pm. French reported that they were withdrawing south west of CHATEAU HERVELON as they had been outflanked. 3.00pm. After covering the withdrawal of the French, the Battalion was forced to withdraw by platoons but before this could be accomplished the enemy charged from the left flank. Heavy fighting took place in the park of the CHATEAU HERVELON and west of it resulting in holding up the enemy for sufficient time to allow the troops north of the CHATEAU to withdraw and take up a line with the French on the ridge north west of TRIGNY. Battalion by this time was completely split up with small parties and men fought under the orders of nearest available officer. 5.00pm. Lt. Col. E. S. CHANCE who had been wounded, collected 70 men of the Battalion and marched them to Brigade HQ. ROSNAY. Remainder of Battalion who had become detached, reported to Lt. Col. SAWYER D.S.O. at the TILE WORK north of COURCELLES-SAPICOURT and took up a line along the railway.

Leicestershire Project Findings
  • Conflict - World War I
Research from Michael Doyle's Their Name Liveth For Evermore
  • Unit - Leicestershire Regiment
  • Cause of death - KILLED IN ACTION
  • Burial Commemoration - Soissons Mem., Aisne, France
  • Born - Shepshed, Leics
  • Enlisted - Shepshed, Leics
  • Place of Residence - Hall Croft, 2, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England
  • Memorial - SHEPSHED MEM., LEICS

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