Private Frank Stapleford, TR6/40945

  • Batt - 51
  • Unit - Leicestershire Regiment
  • Section -
  • Date of Birth - 1900
  • Died - 20/10/1918
  • Age - 18

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Source: Michael Doyle Their Name Liveth For Evermore: The Great War Roll of Honour for Leicestershire and Rutland.
He was the son of Elizabeth Stapleford, born 1st May 1879 in Ab, Kettleby, Leicestershire. In March 1901 Frank’s mother was employed as a domestic servant and was residing in South Side, Ab Kettleby, Frank was born in the 3rd quarter of 1900 in Ab Kettleby, and was residing at North Side, Ab Kettleby, this being the family home of his maternal Grandfather Henry Stapleford, an ironstone furnace man, born 1851 in Ab Kettleby and his wife Sarah Stapleford (nee Dalby, married in the 3rd quarter of 1876 in the Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire district), born 1853 in Great Dalby, Leicestershire, and their children Charlotte, a domestic servant, born 1881, Ruth, a domestic servant, born 1887 and William Thomas, a schoolboy, born 1890, the latter three children were all born in Ab Kettleby, also residing in the family home was Frank’s Cousin, Henry Harold Stapleford, a schoolboy, born 1895 in Leicestershire. In April 1911Frank’s mother was employed as a general servant and was residing as a servant at Brookfield House, Snow Hill, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, Frank was residing in Ab Kettleby, together with his maternal Grandfather, an ironstone labourer and his wife, also residing in the family home was Frank’s Cousin John Attewell, born 1906 in Ab Kettleby. In the 2nd quarter of 1912 in the Leicester district, Frank’s mother married John Buswell. In 1939 Frank’s widowed mother was residing in the family home at 7, Victoria Street, Melton Mowbray.
Frank was enrolled into the Army (For men deemed to be enlisted in H.M. Regular Forces for General Service with the Colours or in the Reserve for the period of the War, or Ex Soldiers recalled for service with the Colours, under the provisions of the Military Service Acts, 1916) on the 1st July 1918 in Leicester. He gave his full address as Abb Kettleby, Melton Mowbray, his age as 18 years and 16 days and his trade or calling as Draughtsman’s Apprentice, he confirmed that he was unmarried. He gave his mother, Elizabeth Stapleford of Snow Hill, Melton Mowbray as his next of kin, this was later changed to his Grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Stapleford of Ab Kettleby, Melton Mowbray. His medical examination took place on the 29th June 1918 in Leicester and recorded that his place of birth was Melton Mowbray, his apparent age was 17 years and that he was 5 foot 4¼ inches in height, weighed 108 pounds and he had a chest measurement of between 31 and 33 inches. His complexion was described as fresh, he had blue eyes and medium brown hair. His physical development was described as fair, it was noted that he had a mole on his abdomen. Called up for service in Leicester on the 17/7/18. Posted as Private, service number TR/6/40945 to the 53rd (YS) Battalion Leicestershire Regiment on the 19/7/18. Joined the 53rd (YS) Battalion Leicestershire Regiment, at Rugeley Camp on the 20/7/18. Transferred to the 51st (Grad) Battalion Leicestershire Regiment at Worksop on the 16/8/18. Admitted to the Military Hospital, Clipstone Camp, Nottinghamshire suffering from influenza on the 20/10/18. Died of acute influenza and cardiac failure on the 20/10/18. A summary of his service records: Home Service, 17/7/18 – 20/10/18, 96 days. The following information was provided by Frank’s Grandmother, Mrs. S. Stapleford on the 12th September 1919, and was witnessed and signed by -?- Hutchinson, J.P., -?- -?-, Long Clawson, Melton Mowbray on ARMY FORM W. 5080 (Information on deceased soldier’s family) Mother of soldier, Elizabeth Buswell of 7, Victoria Street, Melton Mowbray. Grandparents of soldier, Henry Stapleford of Abb Kettleby, Melton Mowbray. Sarah Stapleford of Abb Kettleby, Melton Mowbray. Uncles and Aunts by blood of soldier, W. J. Stapleford, age 29 of Abb Kettleby, Melton Mowbray. Mrs. Williams, age 46 of Rearsby, Leicestershire. Mrs. Pepper, age 43 of 26, Stafford Avenue, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. Mrs. A. Maikley, age 34 of 480, Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, USA. Mrs. Attwell, age 32 of Abb Kettleby, Melton Mowbray. Mrs. Scoffins, age 37 of 15, Egerton Road, Melton Mowbray. Frank’s surviving service documents are in poor condition, and much of the finer detail relating to the period of time that he spent in the Army, is either illegible or missing, hence the sparse overall description of his military and personal family history.
On Friday November 1st 1918 The Melton Mowbray Times & Vale of Belvoir Gazette published the following article under the heading. “AB KETTLEBY.” DEMISE. – It is with great regret we have to announce the death of Pte. Frank Stapleford, of the Leicester’s, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stapleford, of this village, who had brought him up. The deceased was a promising young soldier who joined up on attaining the age of 18, some three months ago, and had since been in training near Nottingham. He was only taken ill on Sunday morning and died the same evening, influenza, followed by heart failure, being the immediate cause of his untimely death. Before joining up he was employed as a draughtsman at the Holwell Works, and showed great promise in his profession, and his sudden death came as a great blow to his many friends in this village. He was a great favourite with everyone, and much sympathy is felt for his relatives in their sad bereavement. The body was conveyed to Kettleby for interment, the funeral taking place on Friday afternoon last. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr. R. Stevens, of Melton Mowbray. The first part of the service was held in the Wesleyan Church, of which the deceased was a member. The service was conducted by the Rev. C. E. Lander, of Long Clawson, who paid a touching and beautiful tribute to his memory. The mourners were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stapleford (grandfather and grandmother), Mr. and Mrs. J. Buswell (stepfather and mother), Mr. Wm. Stapleford and Mrs. Williams (uncle and aunt), Pte. J. and Mrs. Scoffins (uncle and aunt), Pte. C. Williams and Mrs. A. Attewell (cousin and aunt), Miss Williams (cousin) and Mrs. W. Stapleford (aunt). The coffin bore the following inscription: - “Pte. Stapleford, 5th Leicestershire Regt., died October 20th, aged 18 years,” and it was covered with the Union Jack. The bearers were four of the deceased old companions: Ex-privates F. Felstead and A. H. Wyles, and A. L. Durdy and C. Gale. The service at the grave side was conducted by the vicar, the Rev. E. P. Doudney, M.A., and the Rev. T. C. Lander. The wreaths were very choice and were as follows: - In loving remembrance of our darling boy Frank, from Dad and Mam; in ever loving memory of our dear Frank, from Aunts and Uncles and Nellie, New York; with deepest sympathy from Comrades No. 10 Platoon, Leicester Regt; with deepest sympathy from his mates, Clement, Arthur, Russell and Charlie; with sincere sympathy from Florrie, Sydney, and George (in France); with deepest sympathy from all friends at Little Belvoir; in loving memory of a dear friend, from all at Spring House. A memorial service was held in the Wesleyan Church on Sunday evening last conducted by Mr. J. Needham, and there was a large attendance.
And in the same issue under the heading. “BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS.” – DEATHS. STAPLEFORD. – At Nottingham, on Oct., 20th. Private Frank Stapleford, of Ab Kettleby, aged 18 years.

Leicestershire Project Findings
  • Conflict - World War I
  • Burial Place - Ab Kettleby (st. James) Churchyard
Research from Michael Doyle's Their Name Liveth For Evermore
  • Unit - Leicestershire Regiment
  • Former Unit - 13th Bn. West Yorkshire Regt. - 53rd (Y.S.) Bn. Leicestershire Regiment
  • Cause of death - DIED
  • Burial Commemoration - St. James' Chyrd., Ab Kettleby, Leics., England
  • Born - Ab Kettleby, Leicestershire
  • Enlisted - 18/07/1918 in Leicester
  • Place of Residence - 7 Victoria Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, England

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